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Let's Make Your Book Special!

Thank you for considering our personalized products. Please note that personalized messages can be no more than 10 words in length. We kindly ask that you double-check the personalized message before submitting your order, as once it is submitted, it cannot be changed later. In the event that you forget to include a name or message in your order, please note that we will have to automatically refund your purchase. This is because we cannot process orders without this information. We understand that personalized products are special and unique, and we want to make sure that you receive exactly what you want. Therefore, please take the time to review your personalized message carefully before submitting your order. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will be happy to assist you in any way we can. Thank you again, and we hope that you will enjoy your purchase for years to come.


Escolástica Press


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